Specific Scoring of Levels and Tiers For Members (and Contributors)
The ECAO consists of Consultants: Consultants are either Members or those who do not as yet achieve the qualifications for full Membership, called Contributors.
This section supplies specifics relating to each category.
You should concentrate on the total required number of points for each section.
It will be the exception not to achieve the requisite other subsection points, if the total score is covered.
This is so as with Candidates very little creativity is demanded at that point, and the added points for Representatives, require the significant added creativity listed in the subsections. Do not attempt to understand initially the various scoring of tiers and categories.
Generally you can ignore the complexity of this system designed to ensure a balance in progression through the different levels. The most relevant component is simply the overall points requirement once an individual has been admitted to membership.
However, for detailed information on the several codes in the complex scoring system (this is more technical information) consult the Coding Scores section: www.5eca.com/coding
The areas of scoring are:
This table is the basis for the criteria listed below in more detail (each of these criteria subheaders can score a maximum of 250 points towards a specific level, with the exception of the education section which is not limited).
The detailed criteria are listed under Membership requirements for Education (5ECA/education) and Creativity (5ECA/creativity)
EDUCATION: See section under education .(5ECA/education)
The creative recognition can be individual, societal over time and societal one time achievements.
In all instances, the conservative approach of less points than more will be used in the event of doubt.
All data is cumulative unless otherwise stated.
Levels of admission: 14 levels of admission AND 4 tiers of recognition
For detailed information on the 4 different tiers and 14 different levels (this is more technical information) consult the Tiers and Levels section: www.5eca.com/levels section.
Essentially, these reflect progression for members: The four tiers are Candidates, Representatives, Fellows, Professors. These correspond with different levels: Levels 1-3, 4-7, 8-11, 11-14 respectively. Those not qualifying for Membership can join as Friends, and they may qualify as Associates (higher level) and Affiliates.
CANDIDATES: Very low points requirements. Not voting members.
Candidates are not yet voting representatives of the society but have achieved the basic requirements pertaining to approval of ECAO equivalent and ethics irrespective of creative achievement.
Requirement can be achieved on basic educational minimum.
85 points allows Aspiring Candidate of the society (A5KIQ) (Level 1) (85; 60-25; 2; 1) (with a minimum of the minima in educational achievement (60), 25 in Creativity, and the combination (<85) (below this is Associate).
100 points allows Learner Candidate of the society. (L5KIQ) (Level 2) (100; 60-25; 2; 1)
150 points qualifies for Aspiring Member is membership requirements filled above Level 2, except for one major header, usually insufficient in one category (AM5KIQ) (Level 3) (150; 60-25; 2; 1; 1 but <(200; 60-100; 2; 1)
REPRESENTATIVES: Voting rights begin at representative level.
Requires 200 points and at least 100 points on creativity (only 1 category is required)
The major conceptual leap to Representative is demonstration of significant creativity reflected by Creativity points.
200 points allows Full Membership of the society. (E5KIQ) (Level 4) (200; 35-100; 2;1)
275 points allows Senior Membership of the society. (H5KIQ) (Level 5) (275; 35-100; 2;1)
350 points allows Senior Creative Membership of the society. (M5KIQ) (Level 6) (350; 35-100; 2;1)
425 Aspirant Fellow is fellowship requirements filled above Level 6, except for one major header, usually insufficient in one category (AF5KIQ) (Level 7) (425; 35-100; 2;1) but <(500; 85 [60]-200 ; 2; 1)
The cut-off are used because below that points could be achieved easily based on qualifications only without significant creativity. This therefore allows at minimum honorary membership. (>450-100-30; 2-1
FELLOWSHIPS: Requires 500 points and at least 200 points on creativity and 60 points on publications (inclusion as a category requires 50 points)
500 points allows Fellowship of the society. (F5KIQ). Requires at least 2 categories of which at least 1 must be creative (Level 8) (500; 85 [60]-200; 2; 1)
650 points allows Distinguished Fellowship of the society. (DF5KIQ). Requires at least 3 categories of which at least 1 must be creative (Level 9) (650; 85 [60]-200-50; 3; 1)
800 points allows Senior Distinguished Fellowship of the society. ((SDF5ECA)). Requires at least 4 categories of which at least 2 must be creative. (Level 10) (800; 85 [60]-200c [50c-50c]; 4; 1)
1000 points allows Principal Distinguished Fellowship of the society. (PDFECA). Requires at least 4 categories of which at least 2 must be creative. (Level 11) 1000; 85 [60]-200c [50c-50c]; 4; 1)
1250 points allows Principal Creative Distinguished Fellowship of the society. (PCDF5KIQ). Requires at least 4 categories of which at least 2 must be creative. (Level 12) (1250; 85 [60]-200c [50c-50c]; 4; 1)
1500 points allow Aspiring Professor is above Level 13, involves Creative Distinguished Professorship requirements filled, except for one major header, usually insufficient in one category (AP5KIQ) (Level 11) (1500;85 [60]-200c [50c-50c]; 4; 1) but not Level 14 as one or more lacking from (1600; Vote; 110 [50, 60]200c {50c, 50c, 50c); 5; 1). This group may have completed the requirements for Professorships but have not yet been approved.
PROFESSORSHIPS: Requires 1600 points and includes 500 points minimum on creative achievement and 250 points on publications. (inclusion as a category requires >100 points)
1600 points plus special voting election by board and then society after nomination, with at least 80% of voting members who have voted, approving election to Distinguished Creative Professor of the society —DCP(ECAO). An DCP(ECAO) nominee must additionally demonstrate that they would be a credit to the society as representative of that society. Requires at least 5 categories of which at least 3 must be creative criteria. (Level 14) (1600; Vote; 110 [50, 60]200c {50c, 50c, 50c); 5; 1) (technically, subscores need to be much higher to achieve the minimum points with totals on each group maximizing at 250 for the overall total though exceeding it potentially in individual groups)
2000 points plus special voting election by board and then society after nomination, with at least 80% of voting members who have voted, approving election to Distinguished Polymath Creative Professor of the society— DPCP (ECAO) =. An DPCP (ECAO) nominee must additionally demonstrate that they would be a credit to the society as representative of that society at that level. Requires at least 6 subcategories of which at least 4 must be creative criteria. Additionally there should be sufficient diversity in those 1200 points in at least 4 different professional areas to constitute a polymath. (Level 15a) (2000′ Vote’ 110 [50, 60]200c {50c, 50c, 50c-50-c-50-5-); 5; )(creative)-4 profs). 0r IDPCP (5KIQ) (technically, subscores need to be much higher to achieve the minimum points with totals on each group maximizing at 250 for the overall total though exceeding it potentially in individual groups)
Those who have already achieved Level 14 with the 1600 points required may advance to level 15b if they have been awarded an International Prize reflecting worldwide recognition in their intellectual specialty (e.g. Nobel, Pulitzer, Dinsdale, Booker, and other prizes to be approved: The criterion is one of two leading prizes in that discipline, international, awarded at most annually to in general one individual or individual group in the world. They must be nominated for election to Laureate Distinguished Creative Professorship of the society by another Level 14 Professor or above, or failing that two Fellows— LDCP (ECAO). (Such prizes count 100 points) and involve with at least 80% of voting members who have voted, approving election to Laureate Distinguished Creative Professor of the society (L5KIQ) of the society. An IDPCP (5KIQ) nominee must additionally demonstrate that they would be a credit to the society as representative of that society at that level. (Level 15b) (1000-100-250- 500; 100 c*2; 2-5-3 (creative) + Laureate equivalent). Technically, subscores need to be much higher to achieve the minimum points with totals on each group maximizing at 250 for the overall total though exceeding it potentially in individual groups)
Because there are requirements in Level 16 (≥5 categories, ≥3 creative) which do not exist before two letter suffixes with ECAO or 5KIQ can be used., LDCP (ECAO or, 5KIQ) can both be used. Conceivably the nomination can be made simultaneously. Levels 16a and 16b are regarded as equal.
If someone achieves both he becomes Level 16, Polymath and Laureate, Distinguished Creative Polymathic Professor —PLCDP (ECAO) (Level 16)
The process for any CDP appointment and L5KIQ should take 6 months so minimum of 6 months of membership of the society at the C5KIQ level once nominated. All Members or Above can vote. These two levels are regarded as extremely difficult to attain, and the highest levels of respect the society can accord.
Those at Levels 12 through 14 can call themselves Professor (in the context of 5KIQS and ECAO).
An occasional Medal of Exceptional Creative Achievement (made at most annually) to P5KIQ or L5KIQ members who especially distinguish themselves since joining the society; this requires
a. nomination by committee,
b. at least 80% of voting members who have voted approving
c. at minimum but not sufficiently, recognition by a high level outside agency (e.g. Royal Society, AAAS, possibly ISPE philosopher, international award or equivalents)
For more information on Associates and Affiliates, consult the Contributors section: www.5eca.com/Contributors.
For scoring below the level of Candidates i.e. for Contributors Associates and Affiliates, refer to the discussion on those pages. The principles below are exactly the same in terms of progress, however, but some cannot become Candidates because they are e.g. at the 1 in 1000 IQ level not 1 in 5000. This would mean that to be an Associate, the requirements for Candidate Level 1 were fulfilled other than the intelligence one. On the other hand, some with IQ≥1 in 5000 would not have sufficient Education points or Total points to qualify for Candidate Level 1 but would when those were gained.