Tiers of Membership:

Individuals at the various levels and tiers are collectively referred to as Members.

Those who are not yet admitted to full Membership are Contributors. Contributors may be Associates or Affiliates or rarely, as Adjuncts.

Together Members and Contributors are Consultants.






Intelligence higher score  than what is statistically in the  1 in 5000 range (demonstrated)


Education* ≥ 60 points ≤ 60 points ≥ 60 points ≤60 points no requirement
Creative achievement ≥25 points ≥25 points ≤25 points ≥25 points no requirement
Total ≥85 points ≥ 40 points ≥60 points ≥60 points not based on points
Ethics Outstanding Outstanding Outstanding Outstanding Outstanding
special requirements             1, profound history of creativity though not neeessarily formal  criteria achievement

2. demonstrable creativity based on testing


3. by invitation only

Admission Level Member Associate Associate Afffiliate Adjunct

* Education is not only formal education but relates to publications plus creativity equivalent exchange so that the highly creative achiever may still qualify based on equivalence.


Intelligence higher score  than what is statistically in the  1 in 1000 range (demonstrated) but cannot demonstrate the 1 in 5000 range.

Education* ≥60 points ≥ 60 points ≤ 60 points ≤60 points no requirement
Creative achievement ≥120 points ≥60 points ≥90 points ≥60 points no requirement
Total ≥180 points ≥120 points ≥ 120 points ≥90 points not based on points
Ethics Outstanding Outstanding Outstanding Outstanding Outstanding
special requirements by invitation only; this degree of creative achievement with 1 in 1000, may imply higher than in 1 in 5000 range       1, profound history of creativity though not neeessarily formal  criteria achievement

2. demonstrable creativity based on testing

3. by invitation only

Admission Level Member Associate Associate Affiliate Adjunct

* Education is not only formal education but relates to publications plus creativity equivalent exchange so that the highly creative achiever may still qualify based on equivalence.


Intelligence not demonstrated to be  1 in the 1000 range

Academic ≥ 60 points ≤ 60 points ≥ 60 points ≥50 points
Creative achievement  ≥90 points ≥120 points  < 60 points > 50 points plus exceptional reasons*
Total ≥150  points ≥ 150 points <150 points ≥100 points
Ethics Outstanding Outstanding Outstanding Outstanding
Admission Adjunct  Adjunct Does not qualify Adjunct by invitation only

* Education is not only formal education but relates to publications plus creativity equivalent exchange so that the highly creative achiever may still qualify based on equivalence.

Exceptional reasons are rare and by invitation only of individuals who have internationally recognized demonstrable creative skills and achievement and who have been evaluated in that regard. Whereas some items are scored based on a general score, they are actually worth more: This is where exceptional reasons comes in.

Any level of Ethics below Outstanding does not ever qualify for any level irrespective of Academic or Creativity criteria.

The scores here reflect minima for Candidate level 1.

If you think you qualify please email and we will send you the long score sheet.  Please email us at admin@5eca.com

Please remember that all answers may be audited.

There are 4 tiers of recognition of Membership and these tiers are divided into 14 levels.

  They have achieved the basic requirements pertaining to approval of 5KIQ equivalent, ethics, basic educational minimum, irrespective of creative achievement.  (levels 1-3)

Representatives: Have achieved sufficiently creatively to be admitted as members.

Fellows have demonstrated significant exceptional creative skill to achieve this remarkable level.

Professors have demonstrated (by vote) profound achievement and creativity associated with their extraordinary intelligence and high ethical levels; the ultimate representatives of this elite organization.

Levels  of  Membership
Levels of admission:

  • Levels 1-3 (Candidates)
  • Levels  4-7  (Representatives)
  • Levels 8-13  (Fellow)
  • Levels 14-16  (Professor)

Additionally there are:

Contributors  are not or have not yet achieved membership as at this point.

These levels and tiers are collectively referred to as Contributors:

Associates  (Individuals)
Affiliates  (Individuals)

Adjuncts (Individuals)

The same hierarchy exists in Associates and Affiliates. They can, for example, be Associate Fellows. This would most usually mean that they achieved the 1 in 1000 cut-off but not the 1 in 5000 cut-off.  This is so as if they qualified at the 1 in 5000 intelligence level, they would not be Associates, given their other scores.





Friends contribute financially to the ECAO.

Sponsors (generally  corporations or governing bodies) may consult with our Consultants professionally, making arrangements individually with Consultants.
Subscribers  (Institutions) have access to our Library and published material.
Donors (Institutions and Individuals) do not have access to our Consultants, but gratefully contribute to a worthy cause.

PROGRESSION. This requires education, creativity, and higher IQ but no time restriction except at the highest level for nomination.

General progression

Absolutes for progression

Progression scoring specifics


For more information, please visit Frequently Asked Questions.

For detail about the Profile Files that contributors have, please visit Profile.