Social Achievements:
Societal recognitions as one subgroup of creativity score
- Originated major schools of thought (major internationally relevant research or ideation as testified by 2 peers experts in the area: internationally, 80; locally relevant 6). Each one of these has to be individually audited and assessed with testifying colleagues.
- Establishing any of the ≥ 1 in 1000 IQ groups score 10 each provided there are at least 10 members. If this involves running such a group for a year or more, score 1 point.
- Pioneering new discoveries or inventions (each counts 8; if international: 30; world authority certified by peers 60; maximum in this category only is 150) (should not duplicate above listings although may be subtly different). Significant contributions to this research area as attested by the PI and not allowing for more than four individuals in the research would be one fifth to the nearest integer)
- ISPE progression: Membership 1, Fellow 5 (+4), Senior Fellow 9 (+4), Senior Research Fellow 15 (+6), Diplomate 30 (+15, Philosopher 60 (+30) (only one score not cumulative). Similarly other society memberships allow points but not duplications of points just based on membership. For example, Prometheus, Mega or other exceptional IQ group would score 10 points. ISI Honorary scores 7 and membership 5.
- Special recognitions within societies. International 12 points. National 8 points. Regional 4 points. Local 2 points. Score half for awards relating to age limits e.g. Junior, Over 60s etc). Runner-ups score half. (Repetitive awards in the same societies can only count twice).
- Founder of societies or academic publications that have both demonstrable longevity (e.g. ≥1 year), membership (e.g. ≥ 10 members) or activity (e.g. 1000 Email or other messages publicly between members) or quality (outside recognition by peer organization). This includes other high IQ societies. If international 20 points, national 10 points, regional 3 points. Half for co-founders or if 3 founders, one third. (The initial founder scores full points). If related societies e.g. HELLIQ, OLYMPIQ: only one full credit, then 1 point on. These societies can be of any kind: Internet, Local meetings, By mail.
- Editor of peer-reviewed scientifically listed journal 20 points, if not listed 10 points, if not peer-reviewed but exceptional IQ journal 5 points. If scientific advisory board of this 2 points. If subcomponents e.g. Science Editor, Poetry editor divide the Editor score by 3 and utilize the nearest integer. (Duration ≥1 year).
- Added creativity points for individuals who are documented above 4.3 d in intelligence (IQ SD15, ≥165) on the SCHIQ (10 points)
(Societal recognitions can also count towards education if needed: ratio one creativity to half point education)
One time records:
- Special creative achievement: World record counts 60 points, national record counts 30 points, state record counts 10 points, local record counts 2 points. (not cumulative; if record broken, scoring still counts)
- Brilliancy or winner prizes in areas of art, competition (e.g. chess, sports), music or similar areas. If local or regional 4 points, if state wide 8 points, if national 16 points, if international 24 points. (Score half for prizes relating to age limits e.g. Junior, Over 60s etc). Runner-ups score half. (Repetitive prizes in the same competition can only count twice).
- Development of puzzles that have been accredited by a recognition body e.g. each one of Ludomind 2 points, otherwise 1 point.
- Photographic production (again accredited) 1 point each.
- Artistic production (exhibits) 5 points each and awards 5 more points.
- Citation by colleagues in books or peer-reviewed settings on one specific area 1 each to maximum of 20. This can be repeated for other citations.
- Knighted by a country (non-political), or an equivalent major award up to 30 points.
- Other creative or unusual sporting achievements or awards to be evaluated by Board and scoring system set in place dependent on rarity and difficulty and recognition (e.g. baseball perfect game in major leagues 60 points, no hitter 30 points)
- Special demonstrable skills : challenged in more than one dimension (the mental) e.g. (the physical, the emotional and the spiritual) interested exploring unknown terrain -e.g. Mountaineering. These would score 1 point each though may given individual criteria development score up to 20 points if the circumstances were exceptional though demonstrable creativity would still be required (e.g. climbing Everest).
- Individuals may be responsible for a particular kind of production as part of his/ her job e.g. daily journalistic editorial opinions. Whereas these can achieve 5 points each in a recognized reputable newspaper, the maximum will be 100 points lifetime.
In all instances, the conservative approach of less points than more will be used in the event of doubt.
Points categorizations are based on life-time achievement.
Promotions can occur at any point within the confines of the rules.