One object is progression: This is similar but the requirements are far higher than ISPE requiring education, creativity, and higher IQ but no time restriction except at the highest level for nomination.
Additionally, progression is based on a secure mechanism of self-reporting on the Internet where individuals must be honest in their records of progression.
These records are automatically scored so the work required for supervisors is markedly diminished yet a potential audit trail is set up. The records are added into a spreadsheet allowing these audits to be done at any time. Because false declarations could mean expulsion form the society and possible criminal or civil proceedings, and false information also requires payment of the costs of the audit, we believe that false information should be rare.
This means that individuals must be honest in their records of progression which are automatically scored and the work required is markedly diminished.
Incentives to progression involve not only attainment of higher levels relating to personal satisfaction or recognitions within this group or on curriculum vitae, but the ability to negotiate appropriate but higher levels of professional consultancy.