Technical details of how the different levels and tiers are coded for scoring.
Below is detailed information on the several codes in the complex scoring system (this is more technical information).
Generally you can ignore the complexity of this system designed to ensure a balance in progression through the different levels. The most relevant component is simply the overall points requirement once an individual has been admitted to membership.
Essentially, the points scoring system reflects minima at each level (first total points) (educational points) (creative points) (number of tiers) (number of categories) (number of professions) e.g. 65; 35, 0; 1; 1 ; means ≥65 points total, ≥35 points academic, 1 tier, 1 category, no specific professional requirement
But 1000; ; Vote; 110 [50, 60]200c {50c, 50c, 50c); 5; 1) means >1000 points total; voted on; 110 educational (50 academic, 60 authorship); 200 creative with at least 3 creative areas of 50 [and 2 others already listed in Education]; 5 categories, 1 profession.
The scoring looks complex. Effectively initially look at just the first total—that makes it easy. The second score series for candidate applications is relevant only in the context of academic qualification but becomes more relevant with Fellow or Professorships to ensure that there is consistency. The third relates to numbers of tiers; The fourth relates to polyglot elements and descriptions of professions. Again, these are only relevant with high level classifications. The maximum in each criterion group of creativity is 250 until the Professorship level but in that instance scores must be made up such that using the 250 maximum the minimum total score still happens. This ensures that the responses are versatile at the Professorial level particularly
The scoring key: (no duplication of educational and creativity information should occur; they should be allocated to the one or other category. The series are separated by semicolons (;).
For detailed information on the 4 different tiers and 14 different levels (this is more technical information) consult the Tiers and Levels section: section.
Essentially, these reflect progression for members: The four tiers are Candidates, Representatives, Fellows, Professors. These correspond with different levels: Levels 1-3, 4-7, 8-11, 11-14 respectively. Those not qualifying for Membership can join as Friends, and they may qualify as Associates (higher level) and Affiliates.
For more information on Associates and Affiliates, consult the Friends section:
Thus for scoring below the level of Candidates i.e. for Associates and Affiliates, refer to the discussion on those pages. The principles below are exactly the same in terms of progress, however, but some cannot become Candidates because they are e.g. at the 1 in 1000 IQ level not 1 in 5000. This would mean that to be an Associate, the requirements for Candidate Level 1 were fulfilled other than the intelligence one. On the other hand, some with IQ≥1 in 5000 would not have sufficient Education points or Total points to qualify for Candidate Level 1 but would when those were gained.
For specifics relating to each category consult the Scoring Specific Points section:
You should concentrate on the total score. It will be the exception not to make it if the total score is covered with Candidates and if there is significant added creativity with Representatives. Do not attempt to understand initially the various scoring of tiers and categories.