Groups of the ECAO:


The Exceptional Creative Achievement Organization (ECAO, or 5KIQ S) involves two groups, collectively called Consultants (Members and Contributors) who can access  information from this site.

Both Members and Contributors need to renew their link with ECAO annually to ensure the ethical and (with Friends, dues status)

Additionally, there is a group of Friends who may be Sponsors, Donors or Subscribers.

Members: These individuals have fulfilled the basic requirements for admission, namely the intelligence (1 in 5000), educational, and creativity requirements to score sufficient points   (see www. 5eca/points) to attain membership. They do not pay fees. Members have scored at least 80 educational points.

There are fourteen levels of membership within 4 tiers. Members may use the suffix behind their name dependent on levels.

Contributors:  Contributors are  individuals who have achieved the levels of Associate or Affiliate.

These individuals have not fulfilled the basic requirements for admission to ECAO as members.  Individuals may be Associates or Affiliates.  They pay Friends fees.  Associates and Affiliates may use the suffix behind their name dependent on levels.

  • Associates have just not fulfilled one of the fundamental requirements for Membership and score in the 1 in 1000 intelligence range or above. Associates above the 1 in 5000 level, can progress to Membership.  (They have scored at least 70 points in combination)
  • Affiliates have just not fulfilled one of the fundamental  requirements for Membership, and score below the 1 in 1000 intelligence range; alternatively they score in the 1 in 1000 intelligence range or above, but have not fulfilled two of the fundamental requirements for Membership (e.g. Education and Creativity).  Affiliates above the 1 in 1000 intelligence level can progress to Associateship. (They have scored at least 60 points in combination).
  • Adjuncts are by invitation only initiated within the ECAO and may or may not be required to do a special creativity evaluation. They are often at the 1 in 1000 IQ level but not necessarily, and they may not have been formally tested in intelligence.

Some friends are associates because they have not have attained the intelligence level of 1 in 5000 but have demonstrable IQ scores of 1 in 1000 or more yet they have the requisite point scoring in the educational and creativity domains.

FRIENDS (also called Supporters)   May be  groups or still as contributing individuals

Sponsors are companies, organizations, governing bodies who donate to this non-profit organization. The sponsor page is public or private at their choice. They have database access and cannot hire members and individual friends for consultations. They may or may not be required to pay any annual fee as they may make a lifetime  sponsorship (again the ethical requirements apply). Sponsorship begins at $6,000 dollars and there are various levels of sponsorship.

Donors are individuals or groups who donate to this non-profit organization. The donor page is public but at their choice, they may not be listed. They do not have database access and cannot hire members and individual friends for consultations. They may or may not be required to pay any annual fee as they may make a lifetime donation (again the ethical requirements apply). Donations begin at $300

Subscribers  are  organizations or groups such as libraries may want to subscribe (i.e. subscribers). This allows them to access the database of members and friends. They cannot hire members and individual friends for consultations. They pay an annual fee (the ethical requirements apply). Subscribers begin at $500.





There are currently two descriptions of membership, name  tiers and levels. These levels and tiers are collectively referred to as Members.

Tiers: There are 4 tiers of membership based on exceptional creative achievement. These are based on point scores at a specific time and progression to the next tier is encouraged.

  • Candidates
  • Representatives
  • Fellows
  • Professors.


Within  these four tiers, there are  FOURTEEN levels of admission  based on exceptional creative achievement ranging from Aspirant Candidate to Distinguished Creative Polymathic Professor. Effectively, the levels are more precise point scores.

Levels of admission:

14 levels of admission AND 4 tiers of recognition, namely Candidates, Representatives, Fellows, Professors.
CANDIDATES: Very low points requirements. Not voting members.
Candidates are not yet Representatives of the society but have achieved the basic requirements pertaining to approval of 5KIQ equivalent, ethics, basic educational minimum, irrespective of creative achievement. 
Aspiring Candidate of the society (A5ECA) (Level 1)

Learner Candidate of the society (L5ECA) (Level 2)

Aspiring Representative of the society (AR5ECA) (Level 3)

REPRESENTATIVES: Voting rights begin at membership level. Have achieved sufficiently creatively to be admitted as members.
Full Representative  of the society. (R5ECA) (Level 4)

Senior Representative of the society. (S5ECA) (Level 5)

Senior Creative Representative of the society. (SC5ECA) (Level 6)

Aspiring Fellow of the society (AF5ECA) (Level 7)

FELLOWSHIPS: Fellows require significant exceptional creative skill to achieve this remarkable level. Two categories Level 12 and 13 have been added.
Fellow of the society. (F5ECA) (Level 8)
Distinguished Fellow of the society. (DF5ECA). (Level 9)

Senior Distinguished Fellow of the society. (SDF5ECA) (Level 10)

Principal Distinguished Fellow (PDFECA) (Level 11) 

Principal Creative Distinguied Fellow (AP5ECA) (Level 12)

Aspiring Professor (AP5ECA) (Level 13): Have completed the requirements for Professorships but have not yet been approved.

DiSTINGUISHED PROFESSORSHIPS : Professors have demonstrated profound achievement and creativity associated with their extraordinary intelligence and high ethical levels. This requires additionally voting approval by membership as they are the ultimate representatives of this elite organization. Professors may use this title in the organizational context. They may use the title “Distinguished Professor” or simply “Professor”.
Distinguished Creative Professor of the societyDCP(ECAO). (Level 14) or DCP(5KIQ)

Distinguished Polymath Creative Professor of the society— DPCP (ECAO) (Level 15a) or DPCP (5KIQ)

Laureate Distinguished Creative Professor of the society— LDCP (ECAO) DPCP (5KIQ) (Level 15b)
Levels 13a and 13b are regarded as equal in status.

Distinguished Creative Polymathic Professor —PLCDP (ECAO) (Level 16)

Additionally, the ECAO allows for Supporters (Affiliates, Associates, Institutional Subscribers) and Donors.

The bylaws allow for changes to this structure.
Members  may use the appropriate suffix behind their name dependent on their level of attainment or their appropriate title.
These individuals have not fulfilled the basic requirements for admission to ECAO as members.  Individuals may be Associates or Affiliates.  They pay Friends fees, currently $50US per annum.  They are not voting members.
The same tiers and levels exist for associates and affiliates as for members.
Progression can occur and Associates and Affiliates  may  use the appropriate suffix behind their name.
The difference is the suffix has an extra As for Associate and Af for affiliate at the start.
For example, a level 1 Associate Aspiring  Candidate has very low points requirements and  has not achieved one of the basic requirements pertaining to approval of 5KIQ equivalent, ethics, basic educational minimum, irrespective of creative achievement but sufficient points for associateship would be AsA5ECA

  • Associates have just not fulfilled one of the fundamental requirements for Membership and score in the 1 in 1000 intelligence range or above. Associates above the 1 in 5000 level, can progress to Membership.
  • Affiliates have just not fulfilled one of the fundamental  requirements for Membership, and score below the 1 in 1000 intelligence range; alternatively they score in the 1 in 1000 intelligence range or above, but have not fulfilled two of the fundamental requirements for Membership (e.g. Education and Creativity).  Affiliates above the 1 in 1000 intelligence level can progress to Associateship.
Greater detail:

AFFILIATE : Level Af. Affiliates have a demonstrable interest in exceptional achievement and creativity and have achieved at least two of the requirements of the society, and have achieved at least 60 points.

  1. Education    Masters or equivalent or doctoral education or Creative achievement equivalent  to ≥ 30 educational points.
  2. Creative Achievement   Demonstrable creative achievement as demonstrated by at least ≥30 points in the creativity scoring above.
  3. Intelligence based on the criteria required above 1 in 5000 level.

If the IQ cut off is at the 1KIQ cut off (i.e. 1 in 1000 plus ethics) level Affiliates may qualify for Associate. They can participate but are not members of the society. (Level 0Af). Because they are friends they are required to subscribe and there is a fee. They still require approval of the ethical requirements, and of the educational requirements. Affiliates will be allowed to progress on their own affiliate tracks.

(if they have 1 in 5000 IQ plus the ethics they qualify at minimum for associate)

ASSOCIATE: Level As. Associates have not achieved all the requirements to become candidates of the society, and have achieved 70 points

Most commonly but not necessarily they have not achieved the 5KIQ cut off but have achieved the 1KIQ cut off (i.e. 1 in 1000 plus ethics) SKIQ plus 35 education points and 35 creativity points or a combination of both making up ≥70 points.

Alternatively, they may have achieved the 5KIQ requirements (5KIQ and creativity but not yet either the minima in educational achievement (<35) or creativity (<35) or the combination (<70). [ if they had achieved 5KIQ and education but not creativity they would qualify for aspirant candidate because they would have 80 points]Associates can participate but are not members of the society. (Level 0). Because they are supporters they are required to subscribe and there is a fee. They still require approval of the ethical requirements, and of the educational requirements. Affiliates will be allowed to progress on their own affiliate tracks.

Affiliates and Associates have access to the network of members on our network.

Affiliates and Associates  have access to any publications at the same costs as Members.

Affiliates and Associates may at any point, one time submit their credentials for membership to the ECAO reviewing board. The decision is final and cannot be appealed in any way.

There are ways for associates to progress based on levels which eliminate the 5KIQ requirement.




Contributors, also called Supporters  to ECAO may be  Sponsors or  Donors or Corporate Subscribers.


Sponsors are  corporations, individuals or governing bodies. who have donated substantially to this society allowing its work to be done by its officers and employees. They have access to this society and its members and may hire them, at their cost, contracting with individual members or friends.

SPONSORS  (/Sponsors)
 Sponsors have access to publications and the names of the network of members and may hire members or affiliates. Corporate subscribers are institutions or corporations.  Minimum corporate sponsorship is $6,000 US. Because the ethical requirements are so important, they may be subjected to review or audit at any time in any group.

Platinum: >$50,000

Diamond >$20,000

Gold: >$10,000

Silver: > $8000

Bronze > $6000


DONORS  (/Donors)
Individual and corporate donations are encouraged  but still  with the ethical requirements and declarations. Donors do not have access to publications and the names of the network of members and may hire members or affiliates. Corporate subscribers are institutions or corporations.  Minimum donor donations for listing is $300.

 Donors are individuals who have donated substantially to this society allowing its work to be done by its officers and employees. They have access to this society and its members.

Donors may be institutional or individual. At their choice, their names may be listed prominently or they may remain anonymous. There are various levels of donor. There are no donor requirements other than a basic ethical one, where they have a record of dealing appropriately with society, and have no felonies, and can supply two letters of reference. As our donors may be dealing with our members, we want to know that donors will handle members with respect and appropriateness. Members are expected to be consulted professionally.

Because the ethical requirements are so important, they may be subjected to review or audit at any time in any group.

SUBSCRIBERS  are  organizations or groups such as libraries may want to subscribe (i.e. subscribers). This allows them to access the database of members and friends. They cannot hire members and individual friends for consultations. They pay an annual fee (the ethical requirements apply).  Subscriptions currently costs $500 per year.